In other sections of this website, we have addressed the most common injuries from car accidents, including amputations or the loss of one or more limbs; broken bones; burn injuries; back, neck, and spinal injuries; cuts and lacerations; and head and brain injuries.
Here we discuss other injuries one may suffer in an accident, which may include:
- Facial Injuries: In a car accident, injuries to the face are common and can be caused by impact with the steering wheel, dashboard, airbag, windshield, side window, car seats, or shattered glass. These injuries range in severity from minor scrapes and bruises to more serious laceration and fractures. Other facial injuries include serious disorders affecting the jaw, such as temporomandibular disorders of the jaw (TMJ), and dental injuries such as broken teeth.
- Internal Injuries: The physical impact of a motor vehicle accident can cause internal injuries, including injuries to the bowels, kidneys, spleen, liver, lungs, heart, or aorta. Fractured ribs are also quite common, which may in turn puncture lungs and other internal organs. Internal injuries are obviously life-threatening and should be immediately treated by a medical professional.
- Psychological Injuries: Motor vehicle accidents involving severe physical injuries (and even loss of life) can result in drivers and passengers suffering short-term or long-term psychological injuries such as emotional distress, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), persistent anxiety, and severe depression. These psychological injuries can affect every facet of a person’s life and have long-lasting effects.
If you’ve been injured in an accident, you should contact an experienced Pensacola car accident attorney at the Ortiz Law Firm. Nick Ortiz offers free case evaluations and can be reached at (888) 321-8131.
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