It takes as long as it takes for you to reach maximum medical improvement, also known as MMI. MMI is really more of a legal term than a medical term, and what it means is that your medical improvement is about as good as it’s going to get. You’re not going to really improve much beyond your current state at that time.
Generally speaking, it can take four to six months for you to reach MMI, and it is only at that point where you should settle your case, because at that point, you know the full extent of your injuries and what kind of future care you’re going to require, so you can know the value you can demand in the settlement negotiations.
How Long Will It Take To Get Money In My Florida Auto Accident Case?
You should receive the money shortly after a settlement or a verdict if the case goes to trial. But generally speaking, it takes about four to six months or so for a case to settle. A check is usually sent within two weeks of that, and then it’s ready for distribution within a week or two after that.
The reason why it can take four to six months is that you don’t want to settle immediately before knowing the full extent and range of your injuries. You want to go through some medical treatment, understand the full extent of your injuries, and only then, settle your case. We have found that cases can settle between three and six months, on average, after an accident.