The CDC defines myeloma as a cancer of plasma cells. When the cells grow too large, theyform a tumor or mass in the bone marrow. The most common form of myeloma is multiple myeloma. These blood cells are in charge of making antibodies to fight infection by recognizing and attacking germs.
Multiple myeloma reduces these healthy blood cells by accumulating in the bone marrow and crowding out the plasma cells. Instead of producing helpful antibodies, these cancer cells create abnormal proteins, which lead to multiple complications, including the following:
- Anemia (low red blood cell count) – Because myeloma grows and crowds out normal blood cells, it can cause blood problems like anemia.
- Reduced kidney function – Multiple myeloma can cause kidney problems, including kidney failure. It causes higher calcium levels in the blood due to eroding bones. This calcium can interfere with your kidney’s blood waste filtering ability. Myeloma cells also create abnormal proteins, which can lead to similar problems.
- Bone issues – Your bones can also be affected by multiple myeloma, which can cause broken or thinning bones or bone pain.
- Frequent infections – As myeloma cells crowd out healthy blood cells, they inhibit your body’s ability to fight off infection, so you may get infections more easily.
Symptoms of multiple myeloma include:
- Excessive thirst.
- Numbness or weakness in the legs.
- Loss of body weight.
- Frequent infections.
- Tiredness and fatigue.
- Mental confusion or fog.
- Appetite loss.
- Constipation.
- Nausea or vomiting.
- Bone pain, especially in the chest or spine.
Long-Term Disability and Multiple Myeloma
When you suffer from multiple myeloma, you may find it impossible to perform your work duties on a full-time basis. If this happens, long-term disability benefits can help improve your financial situation. You’ll need to apply for benefits and wait for the insurance company to decide if you qualify as disabled as determined by the LTD insurance policy. Because insurance policies differ, you need to determine how the terms “disability” and “totally disabled” are defined for your particular plan.
Most policies are split into “any occupation” and “own occupation.” Any occupation policies are strict. You’ll be expected to prove that you cannot perform any position you would qualify for based on your education, training, and experience. An own occupation policy, on the other hand, considers you disabled if you are incapable of performing the duties of the position you currently hold.
How to Prove Multiple Myeloma
You cannot be approved for LTD based on reported symptoms alone, though their effects are usually considered. You’ll need to provide medical documentation from your health providers that back up your claims with clinical and laboratory findings.
When you turn in your application, the long-term disability insurance company assigns an adjudicator to review your application and any evidence submitted. You might be expected to see a doctor for an independent medical examination or functional capacity evaluation to determine your level of impairment. Your adjudicator will use the collected evidence to make their decision.
Working with a Long-Term Disability Lawyer
Working with an experienced long-term disability attorney will give you the best chance of getting the benefits you deserve for your multiple myeloma. Even if you have been denied benefits, that does not mean your fight is over. Many people are denied benefits the first time they apply. You have the right to get more information and file an appeal.
Getting expert help is often the difference between being denied or approved for benefits. While the process can be daunting, an experienced disability attorney can guide you through the appeal process. We do not get paid until you win your case so that you can seek help without worrying about upfront costs or unexpected bills.
If you would like to talk to an experienced disability lawyer about your multiple myeloma and its impact on your ability to work, call us at (888) 321-8131. We represent claimants nationwide and would be happy to help you through the appeal process.