Why should you apply for Social Security Disability Insurance (often called SSD or SSDI for short) and/or Supplemental Security Income (SSI) disability benefits from the Social Security Administration (SSA)?
First, if you found disabled then you are entitled to monthly cash benefits. However, in addition to cash benefits, also qualify for medical health insurance benefits. SSI recipients qualify for Medicaid right away, and SSDI recipients qualify for Medicare after two years of receiving benefits.
As for when you should file a disability claim, here are two lists that may help.
Reasons To Apply For Social Security Disability
If all of the following apply to you, you should are eligible for disability benefits and should file an application:
- You have a mental or physical condition that is severe.
- Your disabling medical condition has lasted at least one year, or is expected to last for at least one year or longer.
- Your condition is severe enough that it prevents you from performing full time work, or keeps you from earning more than $1,040 per month (or $1,740 if you’re blind). Social Security considers this the Substantial Gainful Activity (SGA) level.
If you believe your medical condition is severe, will last 12 months or longer, and will prevent you from earning SGA, you should contact your nearest Social Security field office to start a disability claim. Do not hesitate to do this because the application process on a disability claim can be extremely lengthy.
Reasons NOT To Apply For Social Security Disability
You should not apply for disability if any of the following apply to you:
- Your condition is not severe.
- Your condition is expected to be temporary, or last less than one year. An example would be a broken leg that is expected to heal within 12 months.
- You are consistently able to earn over $1,040 per month (even though you think you are eligible for benefits because you cannot work full-time or earn as much as you used to make).
- You have not worked long enough or paid enough Social Security taxes to be eligible for SSDI, and your family income or assets are too high to qualify for SSI.
Schedule a Free Case Evaluation with a Social Security Disability Attorney
Nick Ortiz is the owner and founder of the Ortiz Law Firm, a national disability law firm. Call us at (888) 321-8131 to schedule your free case evaluation today.