Creating a “Day In The Life Of” video to submit with your long-term disability appeal can be crucial to the success of your claim. Documenting your challenges and limitations on video can effectively convey the reality of your situation to the disability insurance claims adjuster.
What is a Day in the Life of Video?
A video can clearly and authentically portray how your disability impacts your daily activities. This visual representation can significantly strengthen your appeal by offering a compelling and direct insight into your struggles. Showcasing real-life scenarios offers undeniable evidence to support your case.
Do I Really Need To Submit a Video with My LTD Appeal?
A “Day In The Life Of” video is critical for several reasons:
First, this type of video is helpful because it humanizes you. It allows the adjuster reviewing your appeal to see the exact impact of your condition on your life. Filming how difficult it is for you to move about your house, go to the store, or engage in any other activities of daily living may humanize your claim for the adjuster.
RELATED POST: LTD Appeal Guide: How to Appeal a Long-Term Disability Denial
It’s also essential if your case needs to go to court. You cannot introduce any new evidence or testify in an ERISA lawsuit. Submitting a “Day In The Life Of” video during the appeal process means it becomes part of your claim file and can be used in litigation. This means a judge can look at it and see your condition’s impact on your life. In a way, it’s as if you were testifying in court.
Finally, it’s a really great negotiation tool. Again, it humanizes you to anyone looking at your case. The person who’s deciding whether to settle your case will see the video, see the impact it’s had on your life, and may be willing to settle your case for a little bit more money.
This is just one tip we offer regarding how your case should be handled in the appeal process. If you’d like to talk to a long-term disability attorney about your case, call us at (888) 321-8131.
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